born in Vienna in 2005, he graduated from the Highschol of the Vienna Boys' Choir with focus on vocal training. He has received singing and instrumental lessons since the age of 6. 2014-2019 he was a member of the children's choir of the Volksoper Vienna, favorite role was Friedrich Trapp in SOUND OF MUSIC. Further productions were: GYPSY, LA BOHÈME, THE WIZARD OF OZ, IM WEISSEN RÖSSL, HOFFMANNS ERZÄHLUNGEN, CARMINA BURANA, PINOCCHIO, CAROUSEL, ZAR UND ZIMMERMANN and DER TEUFEL AUF ERDEN.
In 2019, Jonas made his debut with SHOWBOAT at the Stadttheater Baden, where he played Crown Prince Chulalongkorn in THE KING AND I in 2020.
Further performances took place at Theater an der Wien: LIBERTÉ-Schiller (2019), NEUN x LEBEN-Beethoven (2020 online), at Theater Akzent: THIRTEEN (2017), THINK (2018), X- MAS GUARDIAN (2018) and X- MAS NEWS (2019), at Stadttheater Mödling: PINOCCHIO SUPERSTAR (2016), WEHNACHTSGESCHICHTE NEU (2016), DER KLEINE PRINZ (2017) and at the GROSSEN CHANCE DER CHÖRE 2016 on ORF.
Further productions: THYESTES BRÜDER Theatercombinat (2018), OEDIPE at Mozarteum Salzburg (2019), STIMMEN GEGEN KREBS at MQ (2017, 2018 and 2019), DIE 3 MUSKETIERE in Winzendorf (2018) and ORACLE and SACRIFICE Tanzquartier Wien and Düsseldorf (2020-2022).
Since 2021 Jonas has been in the youth choir of the Vienna Volksoper: ZAUBERER VON OZ, DER TEUFEL AUF ERDEN, DIE REISE ZUM MOND.
2022 Solo debut at the WUK Vienna: THE DEAD CLASS (toxic dreams).
Since 2023 Jonas can be seen occasionally as SOLIST at the Vienna Volksoper: Etienne LA CAGE AUX FOLLE (2023), DIE REISE ZUM MOND (2023,2024) and Rolf Gruber SOUND OF MUSIC (2024).
Jonas gained film experience for ORF in SOKO DONAU "ENDLICH RUHE" (2019), KNALL GENIAL (2018), OKIDOKI (2016, 2017), VORSTADTWEIBER (2015), NARZISS UND GOLDMUND Ruzowitzky (2018), BALANCEAKT (2017), DER ZAUBERERER (2017) and EUER EHREN (2021).
He has also worked as an assistant director and stage manager since 2023: DIDO UND AENEAS Muth (2023), DON CARLO operklosterneuburg (2023, 2024), EINE NACHT IN VENEDIG Herbsttage Blindenmarkt (2023), DORNRÖSCHEN Muth (2024), DON CARLO und NORMA operklosterneuburg (2024), COSÌ FAN TUTTE Volksoper Wien (2024), HÄNSEL UND GRETEL Muth (2025), DAS VERZAUBERTE SCHWEIN Volksoper Wien (2025), DIE CSÀRDÀSFÜRSTIN (2025), TOSCA operklosterneuburg (2025).